Thursday 8 May 2014

How Walking Burns Fat and Calories

The great thing about walking is it's easy to do and it can be done anywhere. It requires no special equipment. Just put on your sneakers and head outside.
You can walk in the park or you can walk around your neighborhood. It doesn't matter just as long as you are walking.
You probably think an exercise so simple couldn't have very many benefits. Well that couldn't be further from the truth. Walking actually has a ton of really great benefits. Too many to name in this one article. However, I will focus on a few I know you will love.
Benefits Of Walking
Walking helps with physical strength. It will make you stronger overall. It can also help ward of diseases and improve your overall health and well-being.
According to the American Heart Association walking can help reduce the risk of both breast and colon cancer. It can also help reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.
If you have high blood pressure it can help alleviate it. It can also improve your blood sugar levels. That's a lot of wonderful benefits for such a simple exercise.
A brisk 30 minute walk a day is all it takes to burn calories, tone your muscles and improve your health. If you haven't worked out in a while its okay to start off slow. Walking just 5 minutes a day is a great start. As you get stronger you can increase the time to 10 minutes, 20 minutes and then 30 minutes.
When you walk, or do any type of exercise for that manner, you release what is commonly referred to as feel good hormones. The technical term for these feel good hormones is endorphins. When your body praxis releases endorphins it gives you an immediate boost in your mood. Walking is low impact which makes it a great exercise for everyone.
How Many Calories Can You Burn Walking?
Every individual is different and will therefore burn a different number of calories from walking. The amount of calories you burn will depend on three main factors: your current weight, the intensity of your walk and the duration of your walk.
Someone who weighs 150 pounds and walks a normal pace for 60 minutes can burn as much as 250 calories.
A 200 pound person on the other hand can burn as much as 330 calories. The average person will burn up to 140 calories per mile walked.

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